For security and communications products, solutions and services, e-shelter is your preferred partner. Download and explore our solution overviews for detailed information about our products, services and innovations in our brochures, videos, and more.

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Holistic workplace solutions for a safe return-to-work

Modular in design and based on innovative technology


Digital visitor and access management

Automate your access process while maintaining the highest security standards with identity verification at border control level.


Dynamic people count-based application for non-access controlled areas

Keep track of visitor flows within your building


Proximity Tracing, Indoor Navigation and Smart Cleaning

Support building users and your facility management team


Assure distant compliant workplaces with the “two-meter office” 

Live building plans show users available space


Automated access control for construction sites 

Modular and intelligent access solution for your construction site

Interested? Open questions?

Whether you’re just starting an initiative, comparing vendors or looking for the right fit in strategies — e-shelter is here to help and to share our expertise.
